Auckland Feathers AGM Reports

 Presidents Report 2021/2022

A Year In Review

I would like to start this report by recognising the hard work, commitment and dedication of our Feathers Committee. I especially could not have done without of Steven and Samuel.

Well, it certainly has been a challenging year. With both Delta and Omicron introduced into last year, we have spent over 4 months in lockdown (Levels 4 or 3).  This certainly has challenged club deal during the year. I believe we have played more than any other club this year having done an exceptional job this year to keep playing within these difficult conditions. We have maximised our ability to play and run the club under various alert levels.

 I would like to thank the club members for their on-going support.

Our club members need to remember we have had no external financial support this year and the ABA give no support to their clubs or making it simpler for them. Which is disappointing, but if we want to continue to play at Gillies Avenue, we have no choice.

It has been a very hard year to run this club. For both the committee and the members everyone has had challenges and difficulties this year in their lives. This includes:

-          Covid -19

-          Numbers at club play reducing

-          Ability to run the club efficiently and effectively.

 You must remember every member of the committee gives up their time for free for love of our committee and badminton to keep this a great place for the LGBT communities. We need club member support to help run club and join the committee to move the club to the next level.

 The committee will need to continue to work in 2022 to make Feathers financially secure for the medium/long term. I want to thank our membership for their ongoing enthusiasm, passion, and commitment to Auckland Feathers, for showing up to play each week and for making the club the success that it is.

 Looking Ahead:

We have an exciting year ahead of us, we will continue to play on Wednesday evenings from 7-9pm. A discussion needs to hold around what the club would like to do around weekend club? What would you like a club?

 Trans-Tasman Tournament in 2022 is all go; borders are open, and we can't wait to welcome you all here to Auckland after such a long time! The tournament will be held on Saturday 29 October. A lot of planning has already been done for this event and this will be the highlight of the year. We will certainly have some exciting announcements soon

Auckland Feathers has not increase club play rates or member ship rates in over two years. In this time:

-          Weekday Courts has gone up from $23 and now $27.50 an hour +16% increase

-          Weekend Courts have gone up from $17 and now $18.50 an hour +8% increase

-          Shuttle costs have increased massively they were $24.05.  Now $31.05 a tub +22% increase

So, whilst we have not changed membership rate, we have had to increase Wednesday Night Club Play and Non-Member costs to play.

Membership Fees for 2022

The 2022 Feathers membership fee is $75. All details are HERE

Club Play will now be $15 for Weeknights ($20 for Non-Members) and $15 for three hours on Saturdays. ($22.50 for Non-Members).

We really appreciate you joining/re-joining as soon as possible and ensuring that the club remains strong.

Ngā mihi


Auckland Feathers