AGM2024 Minutes

Auckland Feathers Badminton Club

Date: 16 March 2024 1:16PM

Type: Annual General Meeting

Location: Auckland Badminton Hall

Attendees: Jamie Gardner, Steven Morgan, Leonard Lim, Abe Naus, Nigel Bartlett, Angad Adivrekar, Kevin Qiao, Paul Swain, Eddy Fan, Blair Woods, Mark Thompson, Sam Chan, Jez Alvarez, Omkar Kadam


The Auckland Feathers Annual General Meeting 2024 commenced at 1:16 PM. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their attendance and interest in the club's affairs.

Agenda items included discussions on collaboration with ABA to enhance club operations, future club activities, membership considerations, financial matters, and the formation of the committee for the upcoming year. Detailed documents pertaining to these topics will be distributed at a later date.

Collaboration with ABA

Significant efforts have been made in partnership with ABA to strengthen our ties and enhance club initiatives. ABA had initially confirmed our courts for the year in January but changed in February resulting in us losing courts on Wednesday nights as they were taking on feedback that they had received wanting more tournaments run. ABA is going to help us to try and receive grant funding and grow our club.


Club Play

Working closely with ABA, we have secured additional courts for the upcoming year but with a significant increase in fees to $30 per hour per court. They have confirmed for 2024 they will be able to give us 12 courts for 7-8pm and 8 courts 8-9pm. From 2025, we will be given 12 courts for both hours. There will be an assessment of the financial feasibility of current fees.

For weekend club play, we must decide if we want to continue playing on Saturday mornings or move to Sunday afternoons 1-4pm permanently. This will give more consistency in playing rather than moving between both days depending on tournaments. It will also give us the option of having 12 courts whereas we are limited to 8 courts on Saturdays. As the club grows and especially with us having 12 courts on Wednesdays, we may need the option of having more courts on Sunday to meet demand. Brought up that if it was too hot in Summer that we still have the option of moving playdates if wanted later on. Majority agreed to move to Sunday afternoons.



Looking at our membership model and if it needs to be adjusted. For 2023, the membership was $80 for the year. ABA has mentioned to us they would like more accurate numbers of members of our club. With this, they can secure more funding for us if we have more official members. Discussed whether to use the periodical based membership which includes all sessions such as a 9-month period instead of pay per session. In the past when this was trialed, there was almost no uptake, so it was removed. Vote carried out and agreed upon that we will continue the current model for one-off payment and pay-per-session and relook at it next year again. Agreed on sharing club membership rates for members of sister LGBT Trans-Tasman clubs.



Financial statement run over. In summary, club break even as we have for past few years. Statement to be attached when sent out.



Call for help to committee, to improve the club and make it more efficient we require more help. Current vacant roles are Secretary, Treasurer, Social Chair and General Committee members.  Date for a committee meeting to be announced and those who wish to join will be finalized then.


Meeting closed at 1.57pm.

Auckland Feathers