Upcoming Social Events

Hello everyone! The 2nd half of the year is upon us and it is time to get the social part of the club back up and running.

We are going to kick this off with a mid winter party at Jamie and Cori's place on the 18th of July (details coming soon). We hope new players and regular club members will attend and get to know each other better.
Also we have a club tournament coming on 1st August (Steven to send out details soon), so choose a partner and get practising over the next month. A get together after to unwind will also be happening.

Other events being planned for July and August will hopefully include:
-An evening at the pool hall in Ponsonby.
-A trip to Snow Planet.
-A movie night.
-An ice skating night.

I'm excited to do some new things with the group and get to know you all better!

Josh M

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